The Special Populations department at Region 10 has gathered together a team of professionals to support LEA staff who are responsible for conducting Full and Individual Evaluations (FIEs) for students who may have a need for special education instructional and related services. This team is responsible for providing professional development and technical assistance to LEA staff in need.
The team regularly provides professional development offerings both in LEAs and at Region 10.
Professional development offerings are available free of charge to Region 10 member LEAs/SSAs.
For more information about offerings available at the service center, please check out our Calendar of Events.
The team is also available to provide technical assistance at no cost to member LEAs/SSAs to facilitate the evaluation of students with disabilities.
Technical assistance for evaluation may include responding to correspondence and telephone calls requesting information and visiting with evaluation specialists as needed. While Region 10 may provide technical assistance with the evaluation process, it will not conduct evaluations.
In addition to professional development and technical assistance, the evaluation team offers a number of other services and solutions to our Region 10 LEAs/SSAs.