Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

Chart that shows a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a unique way of organizing systems of processes and procedures so Local Education Agencies (LEAs) are able to ensure that ALL students have equitable access to a quality education.  The purpose of implementing a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support is prevention, intervention, and enrichment for all students.

It is imperative that all stakeholders share collective responsibility so that the academic, social emotional, and behavioral needs of each student are met so that they are college, career, and/or military-ready. Communication, Collaboration and Collective Responsibility at the LEA, campus, and teacher level are vital in sustaining an MTSS Framework.

Transcript for Video


Program Coordinator
Fabian Hypolite
Email Fabian Hypolite

Kate Forisha
Email Kate Forisha

Administrative Assistant
Maira Duarte
Email Maira Duarte